Welcome to Musician Academy
where we believe that music is not just a skill, but also a form of art and expression.
Musician Academy Hong Kong is a platform that embraces creativity, originality and practicality in the performing arts of Music. Founded on classical music, and a dedication to contemporary music and modern audio engineering techniques, MAHK is a singular online institution for the study of modern music rooted in Cantopops and Asian Pops like no others. MAHK is a joint hub where our emerging musical artists come together to collaborate and inspire, and where artistic diversity is celebrated.
$300 / month
MAHK presents:
A Step by step mixing walkthrough by Derek Kwan. best suit for student with mixing beginner knowledge and up.
Beginners Into ProTools, Everything you need to know about ProTools as a beginner.
隨着硬件軟件及網絡媒體的普及, 要在家中製作自己的音樂作品已是很方便的事 。 此課程旨在提供全面及專業的知識, 透過有系統的教學方式, 務求令有興趣製作自己的音樂作品 及有志投身音樂製作的人士而設。 本課程將會介紹所需的設備,製作的流程, 修音的方法及混音的基本要求。